Flutter Tutorial
Flutter is an open source framework to create high quality, high performance mobile applications across mobile operating systems - Android and iOS.
It provides a simple, powerful, efficient and easy to understand SDK to write mobile application in Google’s own language, Dart.
Initially, it was developed from Google and now manages by an ECMA standard. Flutter apps use Dart programming language for creating an app.
Developing an application that supports the Android and Apple operating systems, requires coding in two languages in different frameworks. FLUTTER can help reduce the effort and overcome this complexity.
Developing a mobile application is a complex and challenging task. There are various operating systems, and each one has a framework to develop a mobile application.
In the case of Android, the native framework is based on the Java language, while that of iOS is based on Objective-C / Swift language.
Advantages of Flutter :-
1. Faster development
2. Cross-platform
3. Startups
4. Hot Reload
5. Minimal code
6. Widgets
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